Best Practices of Social Media Marketing
1) Setting Goals- Planning and setting up proper goals for marketing on these social media networks can be very beneficial.
2) Choose the right social media network- Analyze the target audience of your business and their social activities and accordingly choose the social media platform for marketing. This platform should suit best with the specifications of your product/service.
3) Prioritize quality over quantity- All the content which we post on social platforms should be accurate, relevant and valuable to the customers.
4) Be socially active- One should be as socially active as possible. Just posting your content won’t do but factors like following your customers back, interacting with them, knowing them personally will help in building up a strong relationship with customers.
5) Use data and analytics– keeping an analysis of weekly or monthly development with the help of tools like Hootsuite or Buffer will help in achieving goals more effectively.
6) Be responsive- Giving a quick response is always considered as a positive factor. Factors like replying to the queries asked by customers on our post, responding to their feedback build a good image of brand.
7) Check out competitors- Try to keep a track of competitor’s social media activities also which may include the type of content they are sharing, frequency of post, their target audience, techniques used by them for the same.
8) Transparency – Keeping a transparency with customers is best way to build trust and loyalty with customers. Providing them all the up to date, correct and accurate information would help them to differentiate between your product and other options available to them.
9) Personalize- Personalizing our business and also the offerings to the customer can be an important factor in standing out from others.
10) Keep the content short and simple- This is also an important way to keep customers engaged. The content being posted should be short, simple yet attractive. Links can be added in order to make it more users friendly.
DO’s and DONT’s of Social Media Marketing
1) Be Interactive- Interacting with your own followers as well as other users’ helps in getting know about their requirements and building a healthy relationship.
2) Experiment- Finding out new ways and techniques to engage people will help in increasing attention.
3) Publish content – that is user friendly and encourages sharing.
4) Seek trust and loyalty of customers.
5) Keep posts short, simple and accurate because too much of information may lead to people unfollowing you.
6) Value time- Try and post at the same time when more number of people are active or online.
7) Analyze your marketing strategies and then choose suitable social network.
8) Know your potential customers as much as possible.
9) Personalize your business as well as offerings to customers.
10) Try different ways of creating content like videos, info graphics etc.
11) Be innovative
12) Use new technology and tools.
1) Don’t post so frequently on social media sites that it starts annoying people.
2) Don’t Copy – Bring originality in your post and avoid copying content from other mediums.
3) Don’t remove or delete negative comments/feedback from your post.
4) Don’t ignore the queries of the customers, instead responds back quickly and accurately.